Our Staff
Dougherty is fortunate to have a dedicated Senior Management Team. They share the role of being responsible for the day to day running of the Residential Care and Self Care Residents, providing support and clinical care to our residents.
Our Valuable Team Members
Kelvin Neave as Chief Executive Officer, has more than 33 years of working in the Healthcare sector in the Hospital, Residential Aged Care and Retirement Living sectors. He is a recent recipient of Nominations in Aged Care in both State (NSW) “All Star in Aged Care – an Unsung Hero.” and at National level as “You Are Ace – Leadership category.”
In the past 15 years, he has been specifically in the Residential Aged Care and Retirement Living sectors, adding in recent years, the Social Housing sector. Most of this period was with The Salvation Army in their Aged Care areas, where Kelvin was managing two large complexes and managing project deliverables across their many sites throughout the Eastern seaboard, along with Head Office Management roles.
More recently before joining Dougherty Apartments, he was the Executive Director for 3 years at Juliana Village in Miranda for their Residential Aged Care and Retirement Living standalone complex.
Kelvin also brings to this role, vast experience from the Procurement and Supply Chain Management sectors. These roles incorporated responsibilities in the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Island countries within the Healthcare, Justice, and Immigration areas.
Kelvin is extremely passionate about the Aged Care, Retirement Living and Social Housing areas for the disadvantaged, with a strong focus and drive in the delivery of operational, clinical outcomes and efficiencies that provide all that our residents require to enjoy living with us in our unique, vertical build and community here at Dougherty Apartments.
As a Board, we feel most fortunate to have Kelvin leading our community in this position.
Organizational Chart